In-depth: PostHog vs LogRocket

Jan 11, 2024

Wnat to know how PostHog and LogRocket compare? If you remember nothing else, remember these two things:

  1. LogRocket is a frontend monitoring tool that helps developers detects and solve issues.

  2. PostHog goes beyond just frontend monitoring by integrating powerful analytics, session replay, feature management, A/B testing tools into one platform.

How is PostHog different?

1. PostHog replaces multiple tools

LogRocket is a narrow tool. It does one thing – and it does it well. PostHog includes many of the same tools, such as session replay, error tracking, and console logs, but augments them with powerful product and data tools, such as product analytics, feature flags, A/B testing, and surveys. It's everything you need to both squash bugs and understand every aspect of user behavior.

2. PostHog is open source and transparent

PostHog is built with transparency at its core. Not only do we work in the open and give full access to our source code, we also enable developers to build their own integrations, open their own PRs, or give feedback on our roadmap. PostHog's open app framework makes it easy to integrate internal tools, an advantage closed-source products like LogRocket can't offer.

3. PostHog constantly ships new features

We ship weirdly fast. We update our changelog every week and often there’s even more features in beta testing. And that’s without counting all the apps and integrations submitted by our community! We work hard to keep PostHog on the cutting edge and we’re transparent about the ways we do that.

Comparing PostHog and LogRocket


Product analytics

Track events and conversion; analyze user behavior

Session replay

Watch real users use your product; diagnose bugs

Feature flags

Roll out features safely; toggle features for cohorts or individuals


Ask users for qualitative feedback and gather responses


Test changes and analyze impact


Track where users click

Event pipelines

Push and pull data to enrich customer profiles

Open source

Build your own apps and contribute code

  • Feature flags: PostHog offers robust, multivariate feature flags which support JSON payloads. This enables you to push real-time changes to your product without needing to redeploy. Visit our feature flag page for more information. LogRocket doesn’t have any in-built feature flag functions.

  • Experiments: PostHog offers multivariate experimentation, which enables you to test changes and discover statistically relevant insights. Visit the experimentation page for more information. LogRocket doesn’t have any in-built experimentation features.

Product analytics

While LogRocket offers some product analytics features, it isn’t primarily intended as an analytics platform and lacks many things product managers and engineers require. PostHog is a more capable product analytics platform, offering advanced features such as correlation analysis, custom formulas, and a flexible SQL query editor.


Graphs and trends

Build custom insights and visualizations


Combine insights into shareable dashboards


Understand conversion between events, pages


Combine users based on properties and events for group analysis

User paths

Track user flows and where they drop-off


Analyze user and revenue retention

UTM tracking

Track marketing campaigns with UTM tags

Correlation analysis

Suggested events and properties that lead to success or failure

Group analytics

Understand how organizations use your product


Use custom formulas to calculate unique insights

SQL query editor

Write your own queries in SQL

  • Correlation analysis: This feature enables you to automatically find correlated events or properties which affect the conversion rate of users within a funnel. LogRocket doesn’t offer any such automated correlation discovery, meaning users must search for correlating factors manually and without assistance.

Further reading: Comparing the most popular LogRocket alternatives

Session replay

LogRocket and PostHog both offer robust, full-featured session replay tools that outperform even dedicated tools, such as Hotjar.


Web app recordings

Capture recordings from single-page apps

Mobile app recordings

Capture recordings in iOS and Android apps

Identity detection

Link recordings to user IDs

Console logs

Capture extra content from a users’ browser environment


Sort recordings into static and dynamic playlists

Performance monitoring

Track network events within a session

Privacy masking

Censor personal information from playback

Conditional recording

Only capture the sessions you want

Export recordings

Take recordings in/out of the platform

  • Mobile app recordings: Session replay for mobile apps is currently under development – see our GitHub mega issue for more.

Heatmaps and click tracking



Visualize cursor movements on a page


Visualize where users click on a page


Visualize how far down a page users scroll

Tracking & SDKs

Tl;dr: Both support a broad range of tracking options and libraries, and manual event instrumentation, as well as autocapture.


Event tracking

Track manually instrumented events


Automatically track events without instrumentation

Combined events

Track related events as a single trackable action or behavior

Reverse proxy available

Send events from your own domain to capture more data

Cross-domain tracking

Track users across domains and sub-domains

Server-side tracking

Send events from your server

Capture API

Send events through an API

Library support

PostHog supports a wide range of client and server libraries, but not all features are equally available across all of them. We recommend using PostHog's JavaScript snippet to enjoy all our features. See our client library documentation for more information.



React Native






Data pipelines

PostHog offers more than 50 integrations and apps, while LogRocket offers slightly fewer. As an open-source application, PostHog welcomes contributions from the community. If an integration you need isn’t available, it’s possible to create it!


Export API

Export data via API

Import API

Import data via API

Amazon Redshift

Export data to Redshift

Amazon S3

Export data to S3 bucket

Azure Blob Storage

Export data to Microsoft Azure

Google Cloud Storage

Export data to GCS


Export data to Snowflake database


Export data to Google BigQuery for analysis


Sync event and person data


Extract and load data to external platforms

Below, we've listed a few of the most popular integrations used across PostHog and LogRocket. See our app directory for a full list.



Sync event and person data


Sync event and person data


Export events for use in Zaps


Sync customer and invoice data


Extract and load data to external platforms

Sync data between platforms


Ingest Sentry errors for analysis


Ingest events from Segment



GDPR ready

HIPAA ready

Self-host only

Data anonymization

Cookie-less tracking option

SOC 2 certified

SAML/SSO available

2FA available

Frequently asked questions

Got another question? You can ask the PostHog team anything you want!

How much does PostHog cost?

PostHog has transparent pricing based on usage with a generous free tier:

Free usage per month
Product analytics1 million events
Session replay5,000 recordings
Feature flags1 million API requests
A/B testing1 million API requests
Surveys250 responses

We charge progressively less the more you use once you exceed your monthly free allowance. Volume, non-profit and startup discounts are also available.

How can I estimate my usage?

The easiest way is to sign up to PostHog, integrate our snippet, then check the projection on your billing page after a few days. Alternatively, you can guesstimate by multiplying your current monthly active users by an estimate of events generated per user – 50 to 100 per user is a good starting point. See Estimating usage & costs in our docs for more.

Does PostHog block bots by default?

Yes. See the full blocklist in our docs.

What about ad blockers?

We recommend all users deploy a reverse proxy, which enables you send events to PostHog Cloud using your own domain. Events sent from your own domain and are less likely to be intercepted by tracking blockers, ensuring you capture the best data possible. We have reverse proxy setup guides for AWS Cloudfront, Caddy, Cloudflare, Netlify, Vercel, and more, in our docs.

Can I use PostHog with a CDP? (Segment, Rudderstack, etc.)

Yes. See Using PostHog with a CDP in our docs.
