
For instructions on how to authenticate to use this endpoint, see API overview.

Create query

This is the main endpoint for querying data from PostHog. It is used for many kinds of queries including TrendsQuery, FunnelsQuery, ActorsQuery, EventsQuery, and more.

The most useful for you is likely HogQLQuery. This enables you to query PostHog using HogQL. For example, to get events where the $current_url contains blog:

curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \
<ph_app_host>/api/projects/:project_id/query/ \
-d '{
"query": {
"kind": "HogQLQuery",
"query": "select properties.$current_url from events where properties.$current_url like '\''%/blog%'\'' limit 100"

It is also useful for querying non-event data like persons, data warehouse, session replay metadata, and more. For example, to get a list of all people with the email property:

curl \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \
<ph_app_host>/api/projects/:project_id/query/ \
-d '{
"query": {
"kind": "HogQLQuery",
"query": "select properties.email from persons where properties.email is not null"

Note: This endpoint is limited to 10,000 rows at 120 requests per hour. If you need more, use batch exports.

To learn more, read the query endpoint code on GitHub or search for query requests in your browser's network tab in PostHog.

Required API key scopes


Path parameters

  • project_id

    Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.

Request parameters

  • async
  • client_query_id

    Client provided query ID. Can be used to retrieve the status or cancel the query.

  • filters_override
  • query

    Submit a JSON string representing a query for PostHog data analysis, for example a HogQL query.

    Example payload:

    {"query": {"kind": "HogQLQuery", "query": "select * from events limit 100"}}

    For more details on HogQL queries, see the PostHog HogQL documentation.

  • refresh
    Default: blocking

    Whether results should be calculated sync or async, and how much to rely on the cache:

    • 'blocking' - calculate synchronously (returning only when the query is done), UNLESS there are very fresh results in the cache
    • 'async' - kick off background calculation (returning immediately with a query status), UNLESS there are very fresh results in the cache
    • 'lazy_async' - kick off background calculation, UNLESS there are somewhat fresh results in the cache
    • 'force_blocking' - calculate synchronously, even if fresh results are already cached
    • 'force_async' - kick off background calculation, even if fresh results are already cached
    • 'force_cache' - return cached data or a cache miss; always completes immediately as it never calculates Background calculation can be tracked using the query_status response field.



POST /api/projects/:project_id/query
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \
-d query=undefined


Status 200

Retrieve query


Required API key scopes


Path parameters

  • id
  • project_id

    Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.



GET /api/projects/:project_id/query/:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \


Status 200
"query_status": {
"complete": false,
"dashboard_id": null,
"end_time": null,
"error": false,
"error_message": null,
"expiration_time": null,
"id": "string",
"insight_id": null,
"labels": null,
"pickup_time": null,
"query_async": true,
"query_progress": null,
"results": null,
"start_time": null,
"task_id": null,
"team_id": 0

Delete query


Required API key scopes


Path parameters

  • id
  • project_id

    Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.


DELETE /api/projects/:project_id/query/:id
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]
curl -X DELETE \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \


Status 204 Query cancelled

Create query chat

Path parameters

  • project_id

    Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.


POST /api/projects/:project_id/query/chat
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'\
-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \


Status 200 No response body

Retrieve query draft sql

Path parameters

  • project_id

    Project ID of the project you're trying to access. To find the ID of the project, make a call to /api/projects/.


GET /api/projects/:project_id/query/draft_sql
export POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY=[your personal api key]
curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $POSTHOG_PERSONAL_API_KEY" \


Status 200 No response body


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